Buying a property can be an overwhelming exercise especially if you are a first time buyer. The horror
stories of people being cheated of their life savings can deter anyone to venture into the property
market. So, here are the guidelines to help you choose the right property. However, before deciding to
buy a property you are well advised to choose the right one. This is very crucial as buying a property is
usually a lifetime investment. The criteria for choosing the right property are as follows:

  • Proximity to the centers of education health, and other amenities
  • Presence in a non-business area to stay away from pollution
  • Builders should have credibility in the market
  • Prices should be market friendly and not inflated to make a killing
  • Access to electricity and water on a 24 x 7 basis
  • Well connected drainage and sewerage system
  • Sufficiently elevated to prevent waterlogging during the rainy season

Steps to buy the right property:

Choose the right property dealer:

Searching a property on your own can be difficult, for you will not be aware of its location, price and
availability. However, you should tread carefully while choosing a property dealer. Gather information
about the background of the dealer and the types or number of properties sold. The best way to knowabout the agent would be from the neighborhood. Remember! A good agent might not be known but a
bad or unscrupulous one can leave a trail. So, keep your eyes and ears open to pick up such a trail.

Use the internet:

A number of authentic property related sites are listed on the internet such as the Triveni Group etc. As
a prospective buyer, you should search the internet for such builders. The search should include the
type of property, its location, average price, and the period for which it had been listed. If a property is
listed for a long time, then the same should raise your hackles like why the property has remained
unsold for so long? The reasons could range from high prices or worse, the property being entangled in
some legal case. To get a rough idea of the price, it is better to check the properties sold.

Availability of bank loans:

Buying a property through a bank loan is not only about convenience or affordability but about knowing
the property as well. This is because the bank carries out its own background check and any discrepancy
related to the property would come to light.


By following the above mentioned steps you can be fairly certain of buying the right property like the
ones offered by the Triveni Group.